
I use the following symbolic links structure on our servers and wrote a bash script for handling Drupal updates years ago.

Within this structure and this drush command, it is now possible to do that via drush.

Now drush can update Drupal.

Here is the very specific structure this command deals with for multi-drupalupdate and multi-create :

 |-- 6.x -> drupal-6.14
 |-- 6.x_backup
 |-- 6.x_profiles
 |-- 6.x_sites
 |   |-- all   
 |   |-- default
 |   |--
 |   |   |-- files
 |   |   |-- modules
 |   |   `-- themes
 |   `-- 
 |       |-- files
 |       |-- modules
 |       `-- themes 
 `-- drupal-6.14
    |-- backup -> ../6.x_backup
    |-- includes
    |-- misc
    |-- modules
    |-- profiles -> ../6.x_profiles
    |-- scripts
    `-- sites  -> ../6.x_sites

Generated on Wed Dec 29 13:43:21 2010 for drush_multi by  doxygen 1.5.8